FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
It is the best of all trades to make songs, and the second best to sing them. Hilaire Belloc
Some texts by great poets and authors contain words which are coarse, offensive, vulgar or profane, such as one reads sometimes in the short epigrams of Johann Wolfgang Goethe or as one finds in some work of E. E. Cummings, Ezra Pound and James Edwin Campbell. Those who wish not to read such texts should avoid them; each of these is clearly marked with the sign --
Many composers and authors, living and dead, have offered lessons worth far more than I could repay. E. E. Cummings' example of pursuing his art in spite of what others including rejection by some publishers during his lifetime is a worthy lesson. Art is not about immediate success; art is about documenting one's efforts in some form, music being as elusive a form as any art, for it exists when scores are turned into the ephemeral moments of a performance and then evaporate again into simple potentialities. For that, composers are beholden to performers for a portion of their art, and it is to performers and for performers that I have chosen to pursue my own artistic aims.
Please note: There will be no tracking cookies or cookies of any other kinds from this site, and no participation with any social networking sites or advertising. I subscribe to no social networking, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google + and the like, and do not respond to invitations to do so. This is a matter of practicality for me, as a matter of reserving time to composing and orchestrating and just plain dreaming. If you have something to say, from request to critique, drop a line.
The banner above appears on all pages and functions quite as does a site map. Under each topic in the banner is a set of additional links for further pages, with the Authors' Alphabetical Index index being found as a link in each song page. This current page and the introductory page are portals to the home page, which is a blank banner with no links beneath, and once left, it can only be returned to by signing on to the site anew. For navigation from an interior page, the graphic returns one to a previous page; the graphic returns one to the top of a page. The graphic is self explanatory.
Moving the cursor over almost all titles and other links will identify each link, the cursor changing as each link is noted by a changed behavior of your cursor per your OS. All titles of works in the lists of song titles are links. Most titles are links, though not underlined, in the manner of many other web sites. Moving the cursor over topics in the banner above will illustrate this.
When an excerpt from a work is available for an MP3 audio demo or MP4 video, click on or use the player controls. File sizes are often noted for additional indication about download times based on your Internet connection.
For differing sizes of font, your browser's VIEW function can change the size of the pages' graphics and fonts.
The site is mostly in black and white with few other colors, and without the graphic sophistication of so many web sites. It is about content. The choice of "grayscale" graphics is meant to highlight the musical materials and the information which supports that music. While there are pictures of individuals, the authors and performers whom I reference, the site is not meant to be sophisticated in terms of graphics and design.
Most scores are available as free PDF downloads, though of course copyright rights for paid performances and recordings are reserved; web pages and links to such scores are marked with a green "dot" graphic -- . There are both the free version of the Adobe Acrobat reader and other such PDF readers available to read and print these scores.
Click on to download scores. New engravings of older works will also be added as time permits. Downloading any score indicates your agreement to abide by all the relevant copyright laws.
Contact information is found through "Miscellany" in the banner above, or by clicking HERE.
Any email correspondence addressed to me must have the title of a work, score or article found in this site or it will be treated a spam.
Biographical information and a small summary of some press material may also be found through "Miscellany."